MIHIHI HER NIPPLE SLIPPEDI fucking love Paris Hilton, she's tha bomb (I say that allot). Who would have thought like I don't even know how many years ago that I would abso-fucking-lutely love her. Okay I started to obsess her like three years ago and it became even bigger when Confessions of a heiress got released OR when I found screwed on the net. I can't fucking wait for the album in september or whatever or the video wooohh wooooh woooh I mean it's gonna be so hot. Okay it's a little bit sad that she's postponing her album just because she wants to make a cover on Crazy by Gnarls Barkley.. I mean she's going to slaughter that song but I could be wrong.
like a said about the video, it's gonna be hot just look at the leopard bikini. 
btw Stavros Niarchos es uber hot, he were like her sexiest man ever except from Mr.Carter mjuaao. Too bad they're not dating anymore, that new boy of her's look like a monkey. <3 stavros haha 